Crypto Token that can change the way of Bitcoin Mining

1 min readNov 14, 2021

An idea was brainstormed by an Information Technology stalwart whose ambition goes towards fulfilling a crack in the mining and IT innovation sector. By linking a bridge between unprivileged sectors globally to robust an environment of Intelligence and mining advancement, DUBTIK’s mission is to become a giant in Bitcoin mining renewably. In the Red Ocean era of Information technology, where firms are contending with their rivals based on increment in revenues, conventional mining strategies, this firm has a resilient move towards invention by considering Blue Ocean strategy where DUBTIK is providing virtual auto BTC mining direct in holder’s wallet.

DUBTIK Crypto Token

One only has to buy and hold a DUBTIK token and BTC mining will be tracked for that wallet. Each holder will get BTC rewards on every transaction happening on the DUBTIK token. In terms of project development, our teams are working day and night to start and manage renewable mining systems on a river that will boost this project to new highs every week. Apart from this, to track rewards, DUBTIK is planning to make an application where every holder will be able to track its rewards and contribution in the physical renewable mining setup.

Contract: 0xd2d4801e66a99907287a59e5a68d268572da456f




DUBTIK is making BTC mining accessible for everyone, no expensive equipment or knowledge required. Simply hold DUBTIK in your wallet and you'll earn BTC.